Saturday, July 21, 2012

Iron Bars Nom nom nom

Oh man. I really wanted to draw/sketch some stuff but I procrastinated! Anyway, I tried to at least do something tonight.

What did I tell ya! Crazy for robot. I think practice really makes perfect. Looking at my past sucky attempts. This one is slightly better. Haha. I hope you can tell it is iron man! I love that movie!

I've been trying hard on the lighting. This one took me around an hour. I'm getting faster! Loving the dodge tool. Super effective to make things glow. The perspective is off in this one. I'll start working on my perspective. In this speed painting I learnt how not to overdo stuff, especially the color or else it will turn out muddy and fake.

I know I still suck balls but I'm trying! I hope my art will be as good as my drums one day. I'll give myself 6 months to reach this target. I'll TRY!!!

 I saw this amazing korean artist play with some serious perspective. Gotta do some crazy stuff like that!

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